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2005-12-01 DBMC Meeting Minutes
Duxbury Bay Management Commission

Meeting Minutes – Thursday, December 1, 2005

A meeting of the Duxbury Bay Management Commission was held at the Duxbury Senior Center at 7 pm.  

In attendance:

Duxbury Bay Management Commission (DBMC): John Carnuccio, Chair, Shawn Dahlen, Jack Kent, Jon Nash, Secretary, Julie Waltz. A quorum was reached.

Mising: Skip Bennett, Kathy Ahearn Gould, Don Gunster, Ned Lawson, Don Beers (ex officio)

Concerned Citizen: John Brawley                           

I. Discussion:  (John Carnuccio) “When presented with issues, we need to maintain focused on the clarity of our response with regard to our original mission…”

Fundamentally: How do/does the issue at hand impact 1) health of Bay, 2) beauty, 3) user conflict, and 4) safety. (SEE BELOW)

We should likely devise a letter template to cover the relevant areas: “We the bay commission have reviewed the following XXXX and…”

II. Aquaculture: To Be a Continued Focus of DBMC

III. Mattakeesett Boat Ramp

IV. NDA Project
Completed. Jon Nash worked with Harbormaster to create working spreadsheet which tabulated results from 2005 mooring questionnaire.

6:15:1 The Duxbury Bay Management Commission shall consist of nine members appointed by the Board of Selectmen, to three year staggered terms.  In appointing members, the Selectmen shall consider individuals representing varied interest of the Bay including but not limited to aquaculture, boating, commercial and not for profit waterfront users, ecology, shellfish and finfish and other residents at large whose experience will enhance the diversity of the Commission.

6:15:2 The mission of the Duxbury Bay Management Commission is: To develop, implement and maintain a management plan that will enhance and preserve the ecological health, pristine waters and the natural beauty of placePlaceNameDuxbury PlaceTypeBay for future generations while sustaining harmony among its users.

6:15:3 The Duxbury Bay Management Commission shall have the following powers and duties:

1)      Evaluate and review any proposed change in Bay use and access, inclusive of structures and all Bay related issues requiring the action of the Board of Selectmen (BOS), Duxbury Conservation Commission (DCC), Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA), Planning Board (PB), Harbormaster’s Office (HM) and the Board of Health (BOH), involving Coastal Resource Areas as defined in M.G.L. C 131 sec. 40 and the Town of Duxbury Wetlands Bylaw (Chap. 9 General Bylaws of the Town of Duxbury).
i)      Bay related issues and proposed changes will be evaluated at a minimum in terms of impacts on the following:
a)      public safety, health and welfare
b)      ecology and sensitive receptors including wildlife
c)      uses and appropriateness of uses and access
d)      scenic views and aesthetic uses
e)      levels of public and private services
f)      supporting landside infrastructure
ii)     Based on the above evaluation, the Commission shall make recommendations and comments to the responsible regulatory or policy setting authorities.
2)      Recommend changes to regulations and policies. Submit recommendations and comments to the Board of Selectmen, Town Meeting and other regulatory authorities to change Town Bylaws, regulations and policies as needed to achieve the mission of the DBMC.
3)      Provide a voluntary forum for dispute resolution for projects and use impacts and conflicts on the Bay.
4)      Develop and implement a restoration, enhancement and management program to maintain and restore the Bay ecology and harmony among its uses by:
a)      Maintaining a central repository of environmental health indicators and uses.
b)      Provide ongoing monitoring of environmental health indicators.
c)      Convening integrated work groups to identify, prioritize and address Bay ecology and use issues.
d)      Developing program to install best management practices for Town storm drain system and other non-point sources of pollution.
e)      Providing project management to supplement existing Town staff for ecological and other Bay related projects.
f)      Seeking funds and grants for implementation of projects.
g)      Supporting existing and developing new education and outreach programs to:
1.      Educate the next generation of Bay stewards.
2.      Inform users of their impact and responsibilities.
3.      Support Bay Projects
5)      Maintain the management plan as a living document to guide the work of DBMC by:
a)      Using the plan as a guide in all the Commission’s recommendations, plan updates and activities.
b)      Reviewing and updating the Plan every five years.
c)      Incorporating proposed plan changes on an ongoing basis as needed.
d)      Appointing subcommittees or work groups to further study issues identified by DBMC.

6)      Recognize the Bay’s interdependence and explore cooperative Bay management with the Towns of Kingston and Plymouth.

6:15:4  With approval of Town meeting, the DBMC shall have authority to hire staff and/or consultants using provate and public grants and other appropriations. And further amend Chapter 9 in the last sentence of 9.1.6-see this section.

Accepted by the Attorney General 4/1/05 and printed in the Duxbury Clipper 4/13/05 and 4/20/05.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:35 pm

Respectfully submitted,

Jon Nash